Monday, January 19, 2009


Mom, Jess and I, went to Eugene to return chelseys sweatshirt, and i wanted more perfume, cause im runnin low..
But yet when I go to get it they dont have it, oh, well..

Anywho, this first pictures are of me and mom waiting for Jess to drive from the forest to come with us...


I was just messin around takin this when i was in the car...

Me and Jess, i wanted shot gun, and since she was late mom said she had to sit in back. hah.

Mom and me, She was drivin so she didnt look, obviously.

Shane came over , i was sick this weekend.. so i didnt feel so great, but we watched like 4 movies. So i got to just sit around and relax, it was nice.

He doesnt like his picture taken so he hid almost everytime.


Me and mom, shane hid again,
on the other side of the pillow.
funny kid

Anyways now its monday, the weekend just flew by,
No school today. but i have to go study for finals tomorrow, so i should probably get off. Now that i finally figured out how to work this blog thing.


  1. fun times with you Bugg,
    thanks for a nice weekend.

  2. Looks like you had a fun weekend...though any three day weekend is great. Your blog is very cute.

  3. You're doing great on the blog! I really love that pic of you in the car with the mirror . . . really cool! I'm not sure I like a boy kissing you, but I guess that's part of growing up! You're still my little bugg! *wink* Miss you bunches. So glad you are blogging so we can keep in touch more. *smile*

  4. Why are his lips on your face!!!!
