Saturday, May 30, 2009

pictures of the past few weeks.. and months. hah.

Me and bubs, last vball tourney at OSU!

Lexi girl!
Lots of babysitting!!

i love it.



Last volleyball tournament

this is old but its funny.
this is from like november.
we went on a road trip to the coast.
Me jess and Fels.
im supposed to tell you i made her do this, but really she just likes to waddle.

walking the creek, and jess was recording me singing!!
you cant really hear it that well until i burst out in song.
so just watch the whole thing. hopefully itll give you a laugh:)


jeeze its been a while since i have blogged.

well hmm.. what has happened??

Lots of volleyball in the past week.

Last weekend i got to see my aunt and my cousins, that was nice! This weekend my parents and sis and nana headed to portland.
I decided to stay in town this weekend. (the joy of having your license:D)

Well friday night i went to Lorin Howells dance recital with Rochelle and Mahala.
then we headed to Abby's to eat, then to Lorins.

Today, this lovely saturday morning i got up and headed back to town and got ready and watered the lawn, Me, Shane, and Bruce, headed to the river, the weather has been so nice, i love the sunshine.
anyways after that we went to gilburtoes mexican resturant, it was good..
After we headed back to bruces.
later me shane riley and anna went to my house and swam in the pool..
now i am out at jessica lynne's just hanging out. :)
sister saturday!!!

two weekends ago me and jess went to the river on saturday, we just went on a big adventure, then i came back monday night cause it was hot and i wanted to walk the creek again so i drove out here and it was even more of an adventure than saturday!!
it was fun.

thursday we had a few issues but its all dealt with now!
im hoping.

Things have gotten very busy.
Ive got lots of volleyball and shane is starting summer league basketball.
Chels has softball.
and finals are starting on Friday!
hope it all goes well!

i will post another blog with pictures soon!!